Sunday, June 30, 2013

Week 3: July 1 - July 7

The biggest change for Week 3 is that we have 5 new players.  I have added each at the lower end of the tier where they have self rated.

Enjoy Canada Day, and enjoy the week's worth of tennis. 
  • Greg P.
  • Chris T.
  • Paul R.
  • Heather F. 
  • Jeff H.  
  • Max C.
  • Marcus E.
  • Pippy W.
  • Gerry C.
  • Trish S.
  • Jo-Anne M.
  • Mark W.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Week 2: June 24 - 30

Week 1 saw a lot of movement in the upper half, but not so much in the lower half - I bet that will change in week 2! 

Here is this week's ladder:
  • Greg P.
  • Chris T.
  • Max. C.
  • D'Arcy M.
  • Pippy W.
  • Gerry C.
  • Trish S.
  • Jo-Anne M.
I believe we will have at least 2 new participants for week 3 ... stay tuned.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Week 1: June 17 - 23

Week 1 is ready to go!  I imagine this will change around a fair bit as we go, but here is the starting line-up. 
 Max C.
 D'Arcy M.
 Greg P.
 Chris T.
 Pippy W.
 Gerry C.
 Trish S.
 Jo-Anne M. (Away)
Hopefully we can get more participants as we go ... feel free to share this link with anybody you think interested ... I encourage all levels to join!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Posting Your Results

Option 1:
  • At the bottom of the weekly ladder will be a link for "Comments".  Click on this link and type in your results.  You may need to set up a Google Account to do this, if you don't already have one. 
  • Please let me know the names of the two players and who won.  
Option 2:
  • Send me an email with the result to with RESULT as the subject.
Please ensure your results is entered by 8 p.m. Sunday night.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

How the Ladder Works

The purpose of this ladder is to have fun, promote health, and to be introduced to new players. As per Guelphite Walter Borghesan (1926-2010) don't regard the person on the other side of the net as your opponent - he or she is your ally in the mutual pursuit of enjoyment. New participants start at the beginning of the season and must be 18 years or older.

1.  Participants are asked to play one game per week, but can play more if they like. While games were originally meant to be played at Exhibition Park, these courts are not scheduled for repair until 2022. Both players can agree to play elsewhere.

2.  You may play people 5 above, or 5 below you on the ladder.  If your goal is to move up, select to challenge those above you!

3.  The challenger arranges the game, and gives a minimum of 2 alternative times.  As a guideline, 1 of these can be on the weekend; the other on a weekday.

4.  Both players bring a can of balls to the match that are either new, or relatively new.

5.  Each match will be the first to win 8 games with regular scoring (and must win by 2 games).  If games are tied 8-8, a tiebreaker is required with the winner being the first to reach 7 points (with a minimum 2 point advantage).

6.  If the person lower on the ladder wins, they move ahead of the previously higher ranked player with any players previously between them dropping one spot.  If the higher ranked player wins, all positions remain the same.

7.  The winner is responsible for emailing the result to within 12 hours of the game.  Even if it doesn't change the positioning on the ladder this is important as inactive players will be removed from the ladder after 2 weeks.

8.  If a player challenged is unable to play (and hasn't otherwise played a match that week), a default should be recorded.  Defaults are not a bad thing; they keep the ladder moving, help to ensure games are being played, and allow participants to meet new people in future weeks.

9.  Vacation/Injury - if you cannot play due to injury or vacation, simply let me know and this will be noted on the weekly posting.  Your placement will be held until your return.

10.  If a player is "active" on the ladder (having not taken a leave for vacation or injury) and does not play for 2 consecutive weeks, they will be moved to "inactive".  As with defaults, this is to ensure other players get the opportunity to play, and play different people.  As soon as you are ready to play again, email me at and I will put you back to "active".

11. The ladder will be changed by Noon Monday of each week, according to the matches played.

12.  Have fun!

Updated: May 2019; Oct. 2021; May 2022; May 2023